
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More about me

This is a Red, white and blue Afghan with the squares done in an american flag design. I will add more squares to this one as Aiden gets older. I used Red Heart worsted weight yarn.

This is AJs I wanted them to have matching blankets, except AJs is bigger and as he grows, I will add more into it as well maybe. I also did the pillow for him too. It was my first pillow.

Well I am posting finally..........been wracking my brain on whether i really wanted to start another journal..or blog as they are called sometimes. I guess I will. I enjoy talking about my kids and my crochet. So that will probably be my main focus on here........probably some venting too. I am soo good at that. LOL

Austin is 9 and Aiden will be a year old in October. We all live in Kansas, the land of Dorothy and Toto.........but no i don't know them, have never seen them.....apparently they don't seem to see fit to fly by my house during a tornado............and no i have never seen a tornado, except on tv.........and I hope it stays that way! LOL

I love to crochet, I have been for about 10 years, I also cross-stitch, which i have been doing that for over 20 years. Crochet is my main hobby, I love it.............I will gradually get pictures posted of my work. I also want to post some pictures of some squares i have created on my own. I will try to update every day, but I will shock myself if I actually do! LOL For now I will post a link to my photo album on AOL until i get the picture thingy i need to add photos to this blog.....i recently reloaded my computer so i know its not there. LOL...............OK maybe i wont do that, because i can't just send that particular album...UGH I need to use Kodak or something.

Here is just some of my crochet.........will add more gradually

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