
Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well i tried to post my Star Wars Squares, but not the pictures are not showing up, and it took me about 6 tries to get the last post with the halloween pictures to post to my blog.

Anyway Austin got a 95% on his spelling test!! I was so happy, my mother called me because i was not at home, and I was just beaming, and that was his spelling words that he only had a day to study! We haven't gotton the second spelling test back yet, but he thinks he only missed one on that one. I am very proud of him. Last week, he had to make a receipt for math class, and so i got him on Word, and helped him, but he did everything, he just told me to help him with the program. His teacher and everyone in his class really liked it. Here is a copy of it.

Aj’s World
The Gifts that Fly Around the World

Store #009

Vortex in a Bottle 1 @ 2.50 Sale
Blue Angel Plane 2 @ 14.00 28.00 Reg
Toy Jet Plane 2@ 1.10 2.20 Reg
Subtotal 32.70

Airport Tax= 1.50
Total 34.20
Cash 50.00
Change 15.80

Thank you for shopping Aj’s World in the
Airport where our gifts fly around the world.

August 27, 2006 5:17 PM
It didn't copy exactly like it came out in Word, but that is basically it.I am the proud mommy here. I will publish his first Story that he wrote in 3rd grade.
He is at his soccer practice right now.

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