
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snow Snow SnowIts snowing today!!!! I was so happy when i got up this morning and saw all the snow on the ground and still falling heavily. I got AJ up for school, made him breakfast and doing all this very quietly because I didn't want to wake up Aiden...........I kinda figured the bus would be late, with all the snow falling, the roads were already ice packed.......apparently it started during the night sometime..........I was lucky enough to get to sleep by 1am...........Anyway Aj and I got ready and got him bundled up, and I let him play outside while we waited for the bus, but no bus, so we came in and after a few minutes, my little Aiden woke up, got him up with no 30 pound diaper!! Tuesday morning I had swore he had had a pee fest during the night..........his diaper was extremely wet, and usually he doesn't wet that much during the night................but this time, it was awful had to let him play in the bath.........anyway he got up and loved the snow, in fact he wanted to go outside to play and eat the snow!! LOL The school called me to let me know that the bus was of course running very late........but had finally made its second stop and would be here i was sitting in front of the door, and no bus..........finally i did see a bus with flashing lights, but she had come from the opposite way instead of the usual way, but she didn't stop where she was suppose to or in view of the she looked at me standing at the door, I also opened the door looking at her while telling Aj the bus was here, but she kept on driving!! Found out that was in fact his i called the school, and told them i would try to drive him myself...........So had to get Aiden dressed and bundled up, luckily he did not give me any trouble with that...............he loves going bye bye, he got outside and instantly threw himself into the there went his dry clothes!! LOL Got both boys in the car while i brushed off the car and headed out! We made it there and home again. Aiden is eating and I am off to relax now.

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