
Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Saturday

I forgot to talk about today! LOL Today was a good day, early this morning it was still snowing, but a couple of hours after it stopped, the snow was gone and a very beautiful day came. I let Aj have an outing with Brett, and was worried the whole time. I know Aj is doing good, and he is ok, but I am worried about him falling now. or doing something he knows he is not suppose to do. But he had fun, and I stayed with Aiden and he was so rotten today, I was getting something for my mom, and he had his play broom and pointed it at me and said, "don't move" LOL what a stinker!! We went outside to wait on AJ who was coming home and he played out there for awhile and was so happy to see his brother come home. So not only did I get beautiful red carnations from Aiden, but Aj brought me red roses today! and a Birthday card, since my birthday is next week, he wanted to do that for me today. I loved that. He is in room watching a movie with a friend, and I am about ready to get offline and work on some crochet, if Aiden will let me! LOL

1 comment:

  1. That is a great picture of the boys. I'm sure that you got a little crocheting in.
