
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech

I have some strong opinions on this story. I was saying to myself yesterday when I saw the airing of the video, which I only saw online, I clicked and only saw less than a minute of it and clicked out of it. I think its stupid and very insensitive of NBC to have released this tape. Same to whoever posted his stories as well. I think its sick that the nation wants to read and watch this.........that people are more fascinated with the killer then the victims...........we should want to know more about the victims if anyone.............why is the media focusing soooo much of its attention on him? If you compare all the news and papers its more about him and not the victims, those who lost their lives, those who survived............this is not about that................pathetic excuse of a human being............this is about the victims who lost their lives and those fighting to survive. To give him what he wants is sick sick sick

NO I don't think the tapes should have been aired or the writings printed........I am very surprised the FBI even allowed them to be broadcast,

I think there are some people out there that could have done more.......but the only one to blame here is him.............who does not even deserve to have his name said or printed. He does not deserve the attention. He was pathetic, He was sick and not sick as in we should pity him or feel sorry for him, and I don't give a rats behind who or if anyone abused him, or the fact that he didn't have a lot of money, He should have been damn grateful he was in college, and making a living.............He should have been damn grateful that he was in the GOOD OL USA!!! He should have been grateful he had the opportunities that life had to offer. None of this was an excuse for what he did..................NONE of it. He should have sought out help, he should have wanted to get help, but apparently he was having fun being sick and depressed................I know some have the disease of being depressed and stuff, but I am sick and tired of others out there using it as an excuse...........a justification of his life that he was so depressed or sad, or boohoooo whatever to have killed people.

I think some people did have a responsibility to get him help, or try to, did the parents try to help him, or get him help? Did the police try to get him help? Did the doctors try to get him help? Did the school try? Telling him to go to the school counselor is not trying, did they make him go, did they check up on him? Did they see to it he went? Maybe by then it would have been too late, but at least someone tried, now others have lost their lives.........families are devastated, and we as a nation are plastered to TV and newspapers, not being able to get enough of this pathetic killer. Will any of us remember the victims? Will we remember their names, will we remember their faces? Will we even care...............I am sure there will be a book written about the pathetic killer, I am sure a Movie is already in the minds of these greedy writers and directors...........and guess what? People will go and watch and by the books and talk about him.................but maybe say a few words about the victims, spend a tiny amount of time, talking or remembering him, but who cares, right? If we cared, we would walk away, we would turn off the TV, when his face or name came into play, we would turn off the radio too..................but we would always stop and listen to the victims names..........we should always remember them. Both living and dead.

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