
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, let the tears fall!!! Last night AJ and I were getting his school stuff ready and making sure we had everything, and he admitted that he is looking forward to getting back to school, I cried once I tucked him into bed...........knowing that he is one year away from Middle school!!! This morning, I got up made him and my father breakfast, my dad is taking him to school, which is a bit of a bummer, but atleast AJ won't see me cry at his school............its almost like his first day of pre-K and kindergarten...............with 5th grade, its only one more year and they are out of Elementary school! He looks so handsome today though............he is eating his breakfast and I will go sit with him................see him out the door, and then wait 7 hours to see him again.

Aiden will be really sad, he loved snuggling with AJ in the mornings watching cartoons.

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