
Friday, September 21, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Lesalicious has tagged me, so here goes...............

Rules are: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

1. I am scared of a lot of things and hide it................I worry about everything.............I always think the worst of a if my boys are not home with me, I worry about what might happen...............if there is a storm, i want my family near me, so i know they are there.......When i drive, i think what if the truck in front of me stops and things fly out of his truck.............stuff like that! Drives me crazy. But luckily I don't it let control how i live.

2. I want to hurt those who have hurt me...............with words.............if i am hurt or angry I want to make them hurt too................another thing I hate about myself

3. I am addicted to chap stick!!! I can't stand dry lips! I literally go crazy if i don't have my chap stick with me...........I have several around the house and in every room!!! Several in my purse.

4. I am also addicted to crochet...............if i am not crocheting atleast sometime during the day I go crazy!!

5. I still get crushes at my age!!!.........................which is..................around 30 something..........LOL

6. Despite what I tell people................I still love my ex fiance..........even though i know we can't be together and I was the one who broke it off.............I still love him a great deal...........I honestly wish I could just stop...............:( He doesn't even seem to care about his first born son..........and that hurts more than I can explain in why do i still love someone like that??? I mean i don't want to be with him...........I know that........but how can i love someone who does that to his child........I guess his parents really did screw him up more than i thought. Which is really sad

7. I hate to shop!! I can never seem to make up my mind about what to buy, and people in the stores drive me mad..............and the cashiers seem to think they are not really there. LOL I personally think that Wal-Mart is secretly making robots for most of their employees................ever notice how automatic they are.......or that some don't ever make eye contact.........never say a word to you................SEE???? Robots.............i mean live people are being taking over my automatic response systems, that always say............"for your convenience please take advantage of our automatic reponse system.............which is basically for the stupid live people who don't want to talk to us!! I wonder if I can get Will Smith to come help me with the robots! LOL OMG wouldn't that be just so exciting!!???

8. I talk too much!!! LOL

There you have it now it's time for me to tag 8 more people. You don't have to do your 8 things about yourself but, it's up to you. Here go my 8 below


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