
Monday, September 24, 2007

Torture! LOL

I decided to get Aidens haircut today...........he needed one badly, and I took a before picture but i must have accidently deleted it. Anyway his very first hair cut he did really well for.........never cried or fussed.............but now...........OMG........its like torture to him..........these are some of the pictures from today.............You can see from the first two, that he was not a happy camper! He is sitting on my dads lap for this.
and the Final!!! Isn't he handsome..............this was taken about 30 minutes later you can see he stopped crying, but see how puffy his face is............pretty sad huh? He was eating here. LOL
I am not sure why he gets so upset, but hopefully he will calm down. I was going to let AJ let his hair grow out, but he has pictures in October, so will get his hair cut done closer to that time..........and let it grow out after that, if he still wants to.

Anyway Its been a long day, my knees are still burning and hurt, and my fingers hurt too! From all the crocheting. I finally finished up my snowman stocking and ornament and need to get them packaged up to mail off, well the stocking is for us so that doesn't need mailed off.

Well I am pretty sad right now and need to get off of here and get the living room cleaned!

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