
Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I am so furious right now...............AJ had soccer practice tonight, his second this week.............well apparently AJ had accidently hit another kid in the mouth with his elbow while they were all running..............a common accident when running during soccer.........well not to this kids mother............who said it was done on purpose! The coach said this was not what happened and that AJ would never do something like that on purpose............I mean come on this is soccer!!! Kids are going to get hurt, you have a bunch of boys running around after a ball!!!! Arms are flying, feet are happens.............I can't count how many times last year that AJ got hit, kicked and pushed down and it happened to other kids too............So ok fine...............I was not at the practice, my father took him............anyway after the game, some mother comes to the coach and tells him that AJ who she pointed to and said the kid in the red shorts, well two kids were wearing red shorts...............and says that he raised his fists to her son.........and she is very protective of her son............yeah right, if she is so protective and saw another kid raise his fists to her son, why didn't she get up right then and say something? I sure would have!!!!!! I have done it before and will do it son has never........NEVER raised his fists at anyone and I have never........NEVER had a problem with him at school or any other sporting event where he was doing this sort of thing................Anyway what really pisses me off is that this coach comes to my son and starts raising his voice to him asking if he is lying, and really starting to my father gets up and walks over there and tells him to stop yelling at AJ and then asks him why he is not talking to the other kid..................Can you believe that the coach did not talk to the other kid at all??????? Just singled out my yes he knows my son.......has for sometime........but he had no right to do this........bad coaching if you ask me, he needed to talk to the other kid first.............seeing as how there were other kids playing with red shorts on, and when I talked to AJ he was confused as to why this mother said this, when he says he and this kid had no interaction at all.................that AJ was goofing off with some other kids, but not this one, and no hands were raised or this is my son being labeled by two then my father says he is not going to argue with the coach and walks off and the coach starts pointing at him and yelling.............saying he is more than just a coach to AJ and has every right to him as my father does....................OK ENOUGH, the coach called me to tell me this too before i even heard anything from AJ or my father since they had not been home yet..........but the coach lost his temper so severly that he was yelling in front of both my sons..........and kicked my youngers sons soccer ball really hard..................the coach told me this I am furious and have left messages with this organization, and hopefully they will call me back as soon as possible about this situation. My son will no longer play on this team and something better be done..........................I have such a headache now.

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