
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Crochet Update

I did these for a christmas square swap, they are both 7" and came out really cute! I hope the lady i did them for likes them............i have not sent them off yet! Will do that Monday.
Ok these are my goodies..............I got the bell for a ornament swap I was in in a crochet group. I love the bell so much, and plan on crocheting some for the holiday. The Halloween basket is just too cute and check out that spider!? Cute huh? Lisa from Crochetmania made this for me, and I love it its adorable, it already has some candy in it.
I did these for a traditional swap........I used Camo Pink, light raspberry, a pale pink and white........I absolutely LOVE THESE colors.................I am making a lapghan for the living room, and am doing solid colors in the camo, the raspberry, white and petal pink...............I am putting them together in a pattern............will scan that pattern and post it tomorrow hopefully. I am doing Buttons and Bows pattern in 8" squares.


  1. You been crocheting up a storm and swaping like crazy I see. Great work. Holidays I guess bring more of our crafty side lol.

  2. I love your work, its very beautiful!
    The pumpkin is especially cute. :)

    I have not been on my blog for a few months with all the drama of school and doctors appts so I didn't know I had new comments. But I just wanted to let you know I did see it and thank you. :)
