
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Back to School

Well got up this morning to get AJ ready for his first day back since the holidays. He was not really looking forward to it, but I am glad the bus came on time, and it gave me a chance to get some stuff done this morning, before Aiden woke up. I thought for sure he would wake up early, but the little bogger decided to sleep in.........LOL I did get crochet done.......Aiden is in a "mommy" mood, he is really lovey to me and wants all my attention, which I think is too cute.

I also worked on some crochet, and I have joined two swaps for the kitchen, which is unusual for me, usually I don't join I am pretty sure i found some patterns I want to make.

At Crochetmania, I joined the SAM swap and already have my two squares done for this month, now if i can only get them in envelopes and mailed on time!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aurora! It's your "Swap Swap Gal" partner for January. Would ypu please email me privately at with your preferred mailing address?....just in case a surprise should come in the mail? Have a nice day!
