
Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Blazers Won!!!

I was so looking forward to sleeping in this morning, but AJ had a basketball game and they were also taking pictures..........the game was at 10 but we needed to be there around 9:30. We got there in time, and the game was a lot of fun, really got exciting..........the Blazers, AJs team got the first 18 points, then the other team really caught up, but in the last 1 minute and 55 seconds our team, The Blazers scored 4 baskets, and we won with 26 points!! The team was really excited and so was everyone else...........both teams played really well, and everyone had fun too. After we got home, Aiden and I took a nap, and I woke up a couple of hours later, just feeling sooo whole body aches.........and I could not stay awake, so my mom was watching Aiden as I fell asleep on the couch............finally dragged myself up and had some lunch.............didn't really sit too well, but atleast I did not get sick.........just felt that tonight I am just making some soup and wings...........I know maybe a no on the wings, but AJ has been asking for them for awhile, so finally remembered to get some tonight. Had to take Barbara to pay on her phone, so we just ran over to Dillions and picked up a few things.........I looked in magazines, and talk about disappointing...........there was only one crochet magazine there now...........they usually carry a lot.........I might have to to go the library to see if they have any...........or a book store. They usually have a huge selection of magazines.

I am really needing to get offline back is hurting the most right now...........need to get dinner started. AJ just got home from an outing with Brett..........will talk more about that later to those of you who know the situation. Anyway Aiden is still feeling sick, his nose if running............nothing seems like its infected as far as the leakage, but his little upper lip is just raw!! Its about ready to crack and bleed, and I put vaseline on it as much as i can, but he just licks it off! LOL

I did find in the store though............TUMS for kids!!!! ages 2-11............I will have to try that, but will wait to see if Wal-Mart carries it, the prices there are a bit high.....if i can save a couple of dollars by going to Wal-Mart which is usually where i shop anyway, I will wait to buy it there.

Anyway...........oh on a good scanner now works again!!! WOOOHOOOO...............I could not get that to work for the longest time.............I will write more in here tomorrow and tell about my really sucky Friday!!



  1. Sounds like you have been soooo busy! Hope your boys stay healthy during this "cold" season!

  2. Thanks Caroline......we are in for some really cold, wet weather.
