
Thursday, January 31, 2008


Ok this is the package I am sending out to my secret Valentine from one of the yahoo groups I am in.......there are a total of 7 things going out..........I hope she likes everything. That love bug is just so cute, I am making two more to represent my mom wants them. LOL

Well the weather man was not lying when he said we were in for a snow storm today.........its so pretty out, I wish it would have lasted a bit longer..........but we got about 5" and I had called the school last night and left a message on the voice mail about AJ being sick and not coming in...............well I had my father call this morning to talk to someone just in case they didn't get the message..........well school had already been that turned out good........I did call Fritz in the office today to update the phone numbers...........and he pretty much knew AJ would not be in tomorrow............this flu is hitting kids really bad. He is right, AJ has been in bed literally all day............he has held down some really lite he is going to try for dinner too..................he has gotten sick a few times today, but he is just so weak.................

I am making dinner now........homemade chicken noodle smells good......the only thing I cheated with is I got one of those cooked chickens from the deli at Wal-Mart..............but everything is else is from scratch......

I have spent some time working on the love bugs............and took a break to finish cleaning up the dining room and the living room..............which Aiden had demolished with his toys!! LOL I had my father take him to the store with him, so I could pick up and vacuum with no little helper! LOL he is a cute helper, but he was just wild today...............I think he was making up for the fact that AJ was in bed...........and he had to work double time to drive me crazy!! LOL

Anyway my back has been killing me all day, this weather does not help, even though I love I am off to relax and wait for dinner to be done.


  1. I love the lovebug!

    Hope your back feels better soon.

  2. The lovebug is darling! Where did you find the pattern?
