
Sunday, February 24, 2008

2nd Post for Today

Well here is the snow we got yesterday, we actually got a bit more than this....but this was me tryin to get a pic of the huge flakes that were falling. Pretty huh?
I have been so sick the past couple of weeks, that the only thing for breakfast Aiden got was cereal................I just could not handle eating or even smelling eggs.........but this morning I felt better and wanted Aiden to have a hot breakfast........So I made potatoes and eggs with toast. This is a picture just to PROVE I actually fed him a hot breakfast. His milk is hiding over by the computer......he quickly asked for it though when he saw me drinking my milk. LOL Anyway, he ate most of it.....didn't eat his bread though.
My father working on his car fixing the damage from the curb "incident" You can see the mess he makes with all his stuff. When I took this picture his head was all the way into the wheel well, but upon the "snap" his head poked up..........
This is the broken control arm...........the huge screw driver is pointing to the bent.........I just can't see it........but I am not a car person.........and to me this things could have been the new one for all I knew!!! LOL My mother had to Show Off and say, "Oh yeah you really bent that good!" Thanks MOM!!! LOL Anyway its fixed and I will test it out soon.
This is my sons room, the room he says is not messy!!! There is the basket that I have not emptied in a few days...........actually more clothes have gotten piled into since the basket made its way into his room. LOL How terrible is that..........

Ok next post will be my last one for today.

1 comment:

  1. I am DYIN' kids have always been neat-nics until we moved. Now their rooms look worse that that one!
