
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Do Mothers get Breaks and Lunches? LOL

Well I got sick Friday started with coughing and chest pains.......from the coughing........I felt horrible, not to mention I was freezin..............I had 7 blankets on me and still I was shivering.........little Aiden was such a sweety........he laid in bed with me, kept kissing me.............I know I am sure my germs were just having fun spreading all over the place........but he was sweet.........we both finally fell asleep.............then I woke up sweating...............AJ had a game Saturday, and I woke up barely able to stand up straight, but I didn't care, I was going to his game washed my hair, got dressed and could barely talk.............chest was hurting..........Aj kept telling me I could not go................he said he wanted me to lay down....................I didn't want to, I wanted to see him play..........I had already missed one game because I was sick............but I could not make it............I went to get Aiden up to go, and he would not wake up.............I tried for a few minutes........but finally gave up and off AJ went to his game............I laid down on the couch, and Aiden got up eventually and was sweet at first, but then decided he was going to throw a fit....................he screamed and kicked his feet against the floor................would not let me touch him...........I tried to comfort him...........tried to hold him and kiss him and talk sweet to him......but he was having none of that, and frankly I was so sick, sore, and hurting so bad, that I was hurt by him not wanting me to touch him...............I know it was more just me being sick but immature of me to get upset that he was acting like a typical 2 year old throwing a fit!!! I did not yell at him.......but I sure wanted to...........I just wanted to scream for him to shut up.........but I knew he was tired and not getting his way..............but I finally went and locked myself in my room...........bad mother? I don't know........but he came to the door screaming and kicking the mom tried everything to get him to come to her, but he wouldn't.............I laid in my room, hurting and crying................and feeling really sorry for myself!! Thinking don't I get a break? I mean being a mom is the hardest job in the world..............we are 24 hour mothers...............believe me I love it.............would not change being a mother for the world............but doesn't the law say we get breaks?? LOL............well........we do get a lunch break...........after WE fix it out and then get food thrown at us................and a lovely HUGE mess to clean up for out trouble!! LOL

Finally I could not take him at the door anymore, he had stopped kicking the door, but was still crying, and calling out for MOMMY............It broke my I was feeling sorry for myself.......and my little baby was out there practically begging for me to let him in.........which I did, and he cried a bit longer at my bed, then crawled in and FINALLY let me touch him........and kiss him.........he snuggled up in my arms and went to guess what? I GOT MY BREAK!!! little sweet Aiden finally gave me what I so desperately wanted and needed............A BREAK..............and guess what I did? Fell asleep with him...........LOL

After we woke up felt better...............ok my body did anyway, throat and chest still hurt.............but I did venture out with my best friend to get my hair cut.............I needed one.....I get so tired of my hair laying on my neck and driving me home a little later than I wanted to..........but the night was a better one..........boys fell asleep pretty quickly.

I am making chicken wings for lunch now................they smell so good............I skipped the bbq sauce and used a recipe that called, for soy sauce, honey, garlic.......ketchup and can't remember what else..............AJ helped me make they are about done...........

Hopefully I can work on some crochet.

1 comment:

  1. Moomy breaks are few and far between. G;ad your little guy settled down and you both got some rest. Feel better!
