
Monday, March 31, 2008


This is the Amigurumi Apple house I did for a swap in a group I help run, but my partner left the group before the swap was finished, I am just glad I didn't mail this early. I think its adorable, and the picture is crappy I took it with my cell phone, batteries keep dying in the digital......and for some reason only one side of the charger works too, and its a brand new charger. Anyway I am going to use this for Aidens room...........which he doesn't really have yet.............this house is only a 2 bedroom, and we really need 1 or 2 more rooms..............there is just not enough room here.

I just finished this tonight...........a Gabu traffic light for Aiden too.........its so cute!!

Aiden had a scare father went down to the basement to get something which is an accident waiting to happen, the stairs are very bad and steep. We have to prop the door open with a broom, well i was not in there, but apparently Aiden will usually carry him down avoiding the bad steps.......but this time he didn't take him down and Aiden was sitting at the top of the stairs, and kicked the broom away.................the door fell on his legs right above his feet.............I completely lost it..........I hear my mom scream, a loud thud and Aiden crying.............I pushed everything out of my way trying to get to him..............I thought he fell down the stairs and the door slammed shut..........I got there, my dad had gotten to the door first and got it up right away, and handed Aiden to me............and he was crying, so I strip off his pants and socks and check him out..............a slight red mark on his leg...........THAT WAS IT...............omg I was so scared, I was shaking and crying myself and this little sweet boy of mine, comforted me!!! He smiled at me, told me it was ok, and kissed my tears...............HOW SWEET AND CUTE IS THAT?? I didn't stop shaking for hours afterwards.............I am just glad he is ok.............omg I am so glad.

I am going to call it a night and take a shower, and work on some more crochet........I have told myself that I am not joining any swaps for April, except one I signed up for in March, a magic ball yarn................but since taking on a second secret sister I want to concentrate on those two packages and crochet for us.


  1. They both look very nice. Did you use yarn or thread for making those?

  2. Hi Kairi, I used yarn for both.
