
Monday, March 10, 2008

Not feeling Good today

I am not feeling so good today........I woke up this morning with stomach cramps and my back just hurting something awful. I FINALLY got back to sleep, but not for long, and woke up with the same pain..........I hope hope hope this is not the flu and just some random 24 hour bug bothering me.

I had a good weekend, Saturday the boys and I went to a friends to cook homemade chicken and noodle soup and watch a movie......that was nice, I let Chris spend the night with AJ and they were pretty good. Aiden was having fun, but I think he was ready to go home........he missed "mama" Saturday it was so nice outside..........beautiful weather...........Sunday was good too, another nice day.......the boys played outside most of the day...........and I sat out there with them most of the day.........for breakfast we had potatoes and eggs, but for lunch I was being lazy and didn't want to cook anything......I had to run to Wal-Mart for some yarn, so just got some subs there in the deli.....and pringles..........made for a very easy and yummy lunch......boys loved it.

I am hating this time change..............boys were out playing and just as bright as could be, and it was almost 7pm...........ugh! LOL I know a lot of people love it.......but I am having my own little strike against it........not that it will do me any good.

I am testing a pattern for someone on Crochetville..............woohoo my first time testing.......and I really like it. I am also taking pictures as I go along. I did finish my Nova Angels and will post the pics tomorrow probably.

I am going to get offline now..........just feeling icky!!!

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