
Friday, April 04, 2008


Ok so its almost Saturday, oh well, this could be why I am so tired. LOL!! Anyway I am tired and will be going to bed soon. My knees are swollen and that is not helping me trying to sleep. Anyway Today was good, I went to Wal-Mart to get a box for some swap items. I really need to mail them Sunday. Then I stopped by a friends to visit for awhile, and he lives in an apartment complex, which I would not want to live in.........there is a playground in the complex, and a park next to the apartments, but everytime i go there, there are kids playing in the parking lot!!!! No parents around, they are running or skating around, and knocking into peoples kid today just stood in front of am empty space where I wanted to there were actually two adults out there, but did nothing, so I finally parked. I can't believe these parents have no problem with their kids running around a parking lot when there is an area for them to play should never be ok for kids to play in a parking lot. Oh well......I love living in a house, but this house is just not big enough anymore for us........its only a 2 bedroom, we are using the utility room as another bedroom, but its so small and the bed ends up sitting over the basement door, so when we need to go down there, we have to move everything. UGH! I think I need to start looking for something bigger.

I was going to take the boys to the park tomorrow, but there is a high wind advisory, so that is out of the question. I will maybe take them to a playhouse. AJ is going to a friends to watch the Kansas Jay Hawks play..........So Aiden and I will stay home and watch movies, he will no doubt play with Thomas the Tank toys, he is getting more and more into Thomas.......he will watch the videos all day if I let him, and I don't, but then have to listen to him throw a fit about it.

I can't believe school is almost out.........May is the last month.........this year went by pretty fast, and I wish it hadn't..I don't like when time flies by so fast.

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