
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crochet Update

Well I have not gotten much done this month with my crocheting......I have just been so busy, and then with being sick for the past couple of days. Anyway this is what I have done with the graduation Amigurumi I am doing for AJ, he is graduating 5th grade Thursday! He is ready for the vacation from school, and I don't blame him. I am just not ready for him to be growing up so fast!
This is a Goodnight bear I started last month.......I am a bit bored with it, and I am not sure its stuffed in a bag and I have not worked on for about 2-3 weeks. I think it will be cute though.
I got this from my SS Minday and it was a nice surprise yesterday......
We went to Exploration place with some friends, it was free with a River Festival button........this is AJ, Aiden and AJs friend nando.
Aiden making crafts at Exploration place, he really had fun here and made a great picture, which I have not taken a picture of yet.
my boys and I at the Zoo last week.
Mr Muscle man!!!!
My parents with my boys.

1 comment:

  1. it looks like you had a nice time at the zoo...........
