
Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I am at my wits end with AJ..............I have had enough fighting with him..............he has really tested my nerves lately.............its always something with him lately. He is always wanting something from the store, and when I say no, its a downward debate from there..............fighting with him to stop fighting with me...........him not listening......and when he gets grounded, its another fight......him arguing with me.................He had an attitude this weekend.............He spent all day Saturday with a friend..................then Saturday night he had friends over complained when they had to leave.............Sunday we spent all day at the park..........he got to ride the paddle boats, train, play mini golf, and play with his friend all day..............came home and found something to complain about.......Monday he gets home from school and starts complaining about a book he wants from the book fair...........won't leave me alone until he is grounded.......I come in from outside to find him yelling at I tell him to come sit in the dining room in a chair, and not talk or do anything.............then I turn away, turn back and find him up getting a book..............I told him no, find him reading it I took it away. The rest of the night was ok...............but then today was another day of fighting.........I had to run to walmart and asked if he wanted to go, but he was not getting anything, so he asks anyway, I say no.....and he complains, so I tell him that I am really sorry I made the mistake of asking him to go with me..............So I get Aiden ready to go, and AJ comes out front and starts in again...................So I just leave.................come home and he seems in a better mood, until dinner time............I am in the kitchen and hear Aiden yelling in the dining room, so I ask Aj whats wrong and he says "nothing" so I come out since Aiden is still yelling, and that "nothing" was AJ with his feet on Aidens Chair!!! So he gets into trouble for that..............after dinner they are in the room, and Aiden again starts screaming.............AJ says nothing, Aiden is still screaming and that "nothing" turns out to be AJ laying on his bed, with his feet hanging over the bed in Aidens face.................So I have Aj come out to do his homework, tell him he is going to bed an hour earlier and no he does his homework and wants me to sign a paper for another Recorder, because he didn't get the color he wanted the first time I bought one.............I tell him no way, that is with it.................I want a ring from Wal-Mart that I have had to take back after buying it to pay a bill...................but I don't go giving everyone a hard time because I didn't get what I wanted..............he tried to argue, but I told him flat out he was grounded..........I am soooooooooooo tired of dealing with his attitude........I am sure I am making it sound worse than it is............but I am so fed up right now...............I actually look forward to him going to school.................which is rare for me..............I actually looked forward to him having days off and stuff..............not now.........I enjoy the quiet time that he is in school..........Aiden is still too young to bug me as much as AJ does. LOL I told AJ that I am struggling to pay bills, and get the stuff that he and Aiden do NEED..........that I don't need to hear his attitude because he didn't get the color recorder he wanted the first time I bought it.


  1. I so understand where you are comin' from Aurora! Stand your ground, you're doing what's best! Kids need rules, boundaries, and limitations!

  2. Let me tell ya, I sure know where you are coming from. I have 2 boys as well and let me say this, unless you do something about NOW, it's only going to get worse.

    Whatever you do DON'T GIVE IN!! No matter what. My one son is almost 17 and my 9 year old has learned a lot from to talk back to me and argue with me are the biggest things he's learned.

    I have had to cut it off straight away with my 9 year old or it will be so bad.... I've had to take things away and make him write lines (he hates that one, really gets my point across!).

    Don't argue with him. Just state your case and leave it at that. You will teach him to argue with me, I know that one..big time. My 17 year old and I fight all the time because I can't say anything to him without it being argument. Learn from my mistakes, I'm trying to.

    Good luck!!
