
Friday, May 23, 2008


AJ and his little brother Aiden. it was funny, when Aiden was taking pictures, he kept yelling, "J!!!!" or "Bro" get AJs attention.
My handsome AJ with me yesterday.
I didn't take a picture of the diploma, but will later, but this is the Graduation Amigurumi I made
Aiden in his new Jeep.......he has already hit papas truck and ran over papas toes........Aiden carries the "Baby Insurance" LOL
This is an amigurumi doll I finished the other night.......she took me awhile to do, because I kept getting so busy with stuff around the house, and then getting sick........and I redid her legs, I still don't really like them too much, but she is cute and I think she could have came out better...........She is for a swap