
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mailed Another Swap

Well I have mailed my patriotic swap package off to Ann...........I hope she likes everything that is in it............I was told this box was flat rate box, costing $9.80 to mail.......but it post office charged me around 5.00 or so for it :D WooHoo......that is always nice to end up paying less than you thought you would.

Today is another hot day, but sitting on the porch is not so father finally got the car fixed and running............he should have listened to me in the first place, I said the problem had something to do with the ignition, but he wanted to be difficult and say it was the "brand" new started we just put in a couple of weeks ended up being something under the steering column that controls the ignition switch or needed to be adjusted! So I am glad its fixed though.

AJ and Aiden have been pretty good today...........not really giving me a hard time......Aiden did a bit ago........but I made him go to bed, and told him that if he could behave, he could get up........he said sorry and got up.

I guess I will get off of here and go sit outside with the boys for awhile...........I also am working on more CALs I have two things to catch up on in the potholder cal, and I also have a fridgie I just did, it came out cute, its a butterfly fridgie. that only took a few minutes to make.

oh no..........I can hear the boys arguing............:(

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