
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Terrible Twos!

Its just been one of those days! I got up early this morning, and made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, which both boys ate very well...........I heard it was going to rain today, so I decided to take the boys outside to ride their bikes and Aiden could also ride his we did that for awhile, although AJ was not too happy about it, since he was not able to ride his bike over to a friends.........he wants to go by himself, but I just don't feel comfortable with him riding his bike alone...........the friend lives in an apartment, its a weird set up of apartments, but its not in the best of location.

So fine, I could deal with AJs attitude..........Aiden was fine, then he started to really act up............jumping all over the place............hitting me and AJ............I didn't want to I went into my room to calm myself down........and AJ took him in his room to watch a movie.........well all i hear is Aiden crying and screaming...........he wanted the movie turned up really loud................and he wanted to press the buttons like crazy, so I made him go lay down.........after 20 minutes of him crying, I let him get up...............didn't want him getting sick...........he was fine after that, we went for a walk, or rather I did, while the boys followed on their bikes.............after awhile, Aiden started in off to bed we went...................he cried for about 10 minutes, and then he fell did I. LOL we both woke up in better moods, and I am beat tired.............I did finish my one crochet project.
I am not sure if I will work on anything else.

I know I have left some of the crochet groups I was in.........I am wearing myself out with being in so many swaps.........I am just too tired, and can barely get to projects I want to do for family and I want to start working early on some more holiday crochet..........Anyway I am going to limit my swaps.......I am going to try to stay with 3 a month or every other month...........I am hoping this works out better for me........but with mailing prices the way they are, and me being so tired........I just need a break. I am in 8 groups now........none produce a ton of mail and I can always go on Daily Digest if I have to.........but tonight I was finishing up a swap item, and thought to myself that I am just over doing I made that decision today and I hope the owners of the groups I left will understand.

For July I have the Secret Sister swap....well actually I don't have to with this one..........its July, August, or September, you pick your month and that is good, I can take off July from that..........I also have a Buddy swap that runs until August, and a Secret Pal swap that runs until August as that is two swaps right I have a square swap to do...........and an amigurumi I signed up for........I love amigurumi and find it hard to stay away from them. LOL so 4 swaps, one over my limit, but I won't do anymore.

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