
Tuesday, July 01, 2008


This package went out to Kairi in France.........but I will never again send to France in this box!! This was going to cost me 50 bucks to mail!!! I just picked a box I had in the house..........but I ended up buying a regular box and mailing it first class and that only cost me 13 dollars..........much better than the original box and price!! LOL Anyway I hope she likes what I made her.
This is a patriotic package I received from Candy, at Swapaholic Crocheters..........I loved it all..............

I made these squares for a swap from a group I am no longer in.......but the partners wanted to swap anyway and I wanted to as I made these, She requested pastel colors.

We had our BBQ Sunday and it was fun.............we had a great time.......the boys had fun swimming.............and I ended up with a bad headache that night and sick to my stomach, but ate some soup and then felt better.........not sure what was up with that..............maybe not enough food in me or something.

Anyway I am off to make lunch for the boys.

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