
Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Week Ahead

Well last week went well.............
This was the sunrise on AJs first day of school, pretty huh? AJ got his camera out to take some shots as well...........He really had a nice morning, had a big breakfast and got ready fairly quickly.............the bus was even early.
Here is AJ waiting......wearing his school t-shirt and shorts.......handsome huh? He was so nervous and excited at the same time.
Myself with AJ before he left............he came home really excited saying the day was AWESOME!! I am really glad he thought so, and he says its better than elementary school because of the different classes he takes..............He brought home his huge agenda the second day and I will get a picture of that tomorrow........but its huge and they have to carry it around everywhere.........even lunch..........everything for every class is in that binder........and when you think of it makes a lot of just go to your locker get that class book and off you go, no frantically searching through everything to find the stuff you need for the next class. So his first week was success.............lets hope it continues that way.

Well my handsome Aiden here...........Today went well.............we hung around outside today, it was so nice out..........a cool breeze and I wanted the boys to play outside for most of the day, no inside watching tv and playing playstation or on the computer...........we wanted to clean up the backyard, but after dropping Chris off at home and visiting for awhile, we realized it had rained a lot since we had been inside and kept raining a bit after that, so the rest of the night was spent crocheting and letting the boys play with toys...........I did clean up thier room a bit and will get up with AJ in the morning to get an early start on cleaning. I want to have the whole house cleaned before our relatives come on Thursday

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