
Saturday, August 02, 2008

One very HOT Saturday

Wow it was hot today.......I was going to keep the boys in the house, but I wanted to get some stuff cleaned up outside....we ended up going out back......we had let the water out of our pool last week, I kept forgetting to put chemicals in and it got icky.....we were going to move it so that is why we decided to drain it, but the grass needing mowing and I could not take the boys out back since the nasty water was still lying in there, and the bugs were horrible....finally decided today to start on it, I meant to only work a few minutes at a time.....but we got it cleaned out and smoothed back out on the ground and its now filling with water, will put the chemicals in tonight and hopefully tomorrow the levels will be was so hot out and I got really over heated, had to come in to take a shower and stay in, got a horrible headache, and then got cranky, I am fine now, took some ibuprofen and that is already easing up my headache.

The boys enjoyed playing in the water and my dad was only able to help a bit, I had to end up mowing the grass......LET ME SAY NOW........I HATE HATE HATE MOWING!!! My chest hurt afterwards, I was out of breath, and that darn mower did not like me!!! but the grass got cut, and now the front will need it tomorrow. :(

I finished a doily and will take pics tomorrow, I am also going to be testing two squares tonight for a lady over at Crochetville, and these squares are beautiful. I will enjoy testing them for her then sending them off to her with the first one I tested for charity blankets she makes. I will post pics and her info and shop when I am done.

Stay cool!!!

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