
Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well today has been a relaxing day.............I took the boys to lunch this afternoon, and on our way home, the thunder started to rumble................we heard quite a bit, and the clouds were dark................we all decided to sit on the porch and watch the storm, but it barely rained, the ground never got wet, and I ended up getting bit by that was enough for me.................I am about done with some squares for a lady I tested for on Crochetville..................I had tested some for her and mailed them but so far she has not gotten them, and I know she should have gotten them by I am redoing them, since I love her squares so much. I just bought a new pattern she did yesterday and can't wait to get started on that..........

I am going to go start on a frog I am testing..........woohoo I just got the pattern!

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