
Monday, September 08, 2008


It's Monday and I was so hoping for the sun to be out......I have not seen the sun in about 3 days..........its depressing. Anyway a busy start to the week............AJ starts Soccer practice tomorrow, so we will have to get him some shoes today. We did find his shin guards, but I found out that he should be getting some this year....not sure if its through AYSO.....or just this particular region he is playing in this year. Anyway then Wednesday we have Open house at AJs school.

I have been in a crochet slump..........I have made 3 ghosts over the past few days, and each time I have not been happy with the outcome............the last one I made.........which was for a swap, Aiden came up and said, "oh mommy, he cute, its mine mommy?" So of course how could I resist him walking around with it under his chin, or against his cheek saying, "ahh, mine" So its for him..................I will make something else for that swap, which I have already started on.........I am hoping to work on some Halloween decorations for us as well this month.

Anyway my hands are cramped up my wrists is I will try to stop early on my crochet tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see your ghosts. May I have the pattern? =)
