
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rainy Day

I made this washcloth holder with 3 washclothes for a Bathroom swap I was in............her colors were white, black and gold..........I forgot to take a picture of this when I sent Judy was kind enough to take one and send to me.

Its been raining all day...........I am really tired of the rain.......but what can I do? LOL Anyway I finished the skirt of the Halloween Crinoline doily.............I have to do her body, head, hat and arms...........Don't really like the many pieces to this when using thread, but this is my first time doing something like its not so bad, but I say that now.......having NOT done the rest!!!

I also need to figure out how I want to add a veil to an ami I have just done. I have had a headache most of this afternoon, but it seems to be going away, hopefully it stays away!!!

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