
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a sad neighbor Mike died..........actually he is still on life support, but they are donating his organs, so he is still in the hospital.....Monday he was working at a school subbing for his favorite subject, Math, and collaspsed. It ruptered and his brain stem was damaged as well......I think anyway.......but this really hit me hard.......he has been my neighbor and friend to myself and my family for 5 years........he and his wife, were always there to help us, bring us stuff, cards, share thier life with us............we helped them when the ice storm hit and they had no heat or electric............we both did a lot for each other. His wife was a sweet lady, she crocheted like me, and we often would sit and talk or share our work..........but then she was diagnosed with Bi-polar and recently we found out she was Skitsofrenic..not sure if that is spelled right.........but he started to drink a lot and she was always off her medicine...........2 weeks ago, our neighbor across the street had to call the police because his wife threatened to kill the kids............she was in a bad state...........the police were over here talking with me, as well as the ladies from the hospital.........all agreed she was really in a bad state, and needed help, she was taken to hospitals several times, and they would are now finding out that those hospitals would not give her meds to her and would send her home saying they didn't know what else to do........Mike drank a lot and could not take care of her............I told the cops and ladies then that what will happen when he dies........where will that leave Kathy? then this morning, thier daughter came over to tell me about Mike...........I have cried several times...........he was good man who was lost a lot when his wife went downhill with her illness.........he didn't want to see her away from him............I will miss him.............I didn't think this would effect me so much.........but it has.............He was always there when someone needed him. My kids loved talking to him..........ok well AJ did........Aiden would just say, "hi mike" but now there will be no more hi, and no more hearing him tell jokes, laugh and just be Mike..........We will go to his funeral.........and we will help out as much as we are needed from the family........I will go visit Kathy once a place is set for her......

This is a sad day.

Rest in Peace, Mike, you will be missed.


  1. Soooo sad! I'll keep you and Mike's family close to my thoguhts. he was lucky to have lived next to such a caring neighbor like you.

  2. I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends, I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends.

  3. I am so very sorry for this family and the loss of a good man:(
    you are in my prayer dear and so is mikes family

    big hugs,

  4. sorry to hear of your loss ((hugs))

  5. Anonymous4:59 PM

    It's years later since your friend and neighbor died. When you and others think of him he lives.

    A very dear friend's first grandchild was/is diagnosed as bi-polar and schizophrenia - and as an adult now lives in a group home.

    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.
