
Saturday, October 04, 2008

So Tired

I am worn out!!! LOL the morning was fun.........we made blueberry pancakes and bacon, which apparently Aiden doesn't like the pancakes anymore..........I think its the texture.......he got a piece in his mouth and went eww...........and never even chewed....LOL he is the same way with mashed potatoes now. The boys played outside with some friends before we had to leave for soccer.........which we left way too early!!! I need to remember not to leave so early..........I got sunburned on my right side.........can you tell where the sun was?? LOL.............the game was fun to watch, both teams played really well, but in the end, the Green Mamba's lost.......(our team) Anyway we left and came home and Scott was suppose to come over with Pizza for lunch, but he has a mess to clean up, so I just went to Wendys for lunch.........and then ran some errands, went to different Walgreens looking for a particular purse for my mom.....and Halloween decorations........I found some for outside, but not a whole when we got home, I had my father help me put them up...........I think we have a bit more to do...........but we have a web out there and stuff........I will take pictures tomorrow.........the boys had a lot of fun playing outside...........then Scott and Chris finally got here............and watched a bit.............AJ is spending the night over there.................they can drive Scott crazy!!

So all in all a good day!! I have not gotten to crochet all day, and I am hoping to tonight.

Thien is coming for Aidens birhtday this month, and I need to decide for sure what day I want to have it on that weekend.

1 comment:

  1. no wonder you are tired - you remind me of me - always on the go - never sitting still for long! LOL

    hugs x
