
Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tired Already

It's only Wednesday..........ok well Thursday morning now.........but I am so tired and wish I could have relaxed more yesterday..........AJ has no school Friday or Monday so that will be..............umm..................stressful........hopefully he won't bug me too much about who can come over and how bored he is.......LOL

Above is my witch I did for a Featured pattern in the Ami group.......I was upset when my hook didn't want to work anymore, the Ergonomic hooks............well the hooks would not stay in the handles Sissie suggested that I take my favorite hook and glue them I did, had two handles and used the G and H hook to glue in the handles. Now they work again.

I really need to get to bed............I am so tired. We went grocery shopping was depressing......the prices are outrageous..........I get that the prices were raised due to minimum wage being raised, and the companies can call it any excuse in the book, but bottom line is they are always looking for a way to raise prices.......why doesn't the government step in and put a cap on how much something can be raised..............Chicken thighs use to be they were 7.96............OMG!! My Tilapia fish went up 6 dollars.............I am sorry but that is just too much.......I am sick to death of hearing the excuses..........oh its the weather...........oh its the gas prices..............oh its the this and its that...........but its not us (the company) YEAH RIGHT!! Why can't some dork in a suit actually tell the truth, tell it like it is........."We raised prices so we can make a huge HUGE profit and fill our pockets and live much better than YOU!"


1 comment:

  1. This is so cute witch. I will start doing that one soon also. I already have a yarn for it.
