
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween is Over

This was a cute decoration we saw......I think I will do something like this next year.
Here are my boys.......AJ is Captain Rex..........looks like a clone/storm trooper to me. LOL Aiden........well you can see here he was Thomas the tank.........he ended up falling asleep half way into trick or treating........but we got candy for him.......we actually just put the candy all together, made it easy. IF Aiden had his way he would just have it all.......LOL We had a lot of fun, and ended up going to Cis Cis for pizza which was disappointing............their salad bar was half covered, you could not get to the good stuff, they only alreade made salad in a bowl with much for letting us CHOOSE what we want to eat!! Other than that it was a nice night. I came home and took down the halloween decorations and put up the Thanksgiving stuff. LOL Wasted no time.
Made cookies last week and Aiden loved doing the stirring and he also loved helping to eat the cookie dough. LOL
My little stirrer.
Aiden in his tent!

Its already getting dark outside...............I like this time of year.


  1. Looks like your kids had fun. :)

  2. I took my Halloween decorations down too and already put up the Thanksgiving day ones. Great minds think alike! Happy Monday!
