
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bitterly Cold! Buuurrrrr!!

Friday morning Austin woke up really sick........I had a feeling he was getting sick, as he was sleep walking during the night, and that usually happens when he is either really tired or sick.......he had coughed and gagged all during the I told him he was not going to school, and he spent most of the morning in the bathroom, and then finally he was able to get some sleep............he was in bed all day. By Saturday he was feeling better, and it was warm and windy day..........I had to run some errands with a friend, then came home and got my father and Aiden and we all went to lunch, and then to Wally world to pick up a few things, off to take Barbara home and home ourselves.

I tried to crochet.......shhhh!! but my hand was still hurting.....

This morning was warm too, but the temperatures drastically fell through the day, its now like 12 degrees out.........cold cold cold............falling ice, and a few flurries too. Aiden had fallen asleep on the living room floor, so I went to pick him up to get his PJS on, and he threw up all over him, me and the love seat...........:( so I got him in the bath and cleaned up, and then cleaned up the love seat and floor, and gave him some Emetrol......and then got him in bed, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep, so hopefully he will sleep through the night with no more upset tummy. I hope!!

Anyway that really is about it............I guess this week will be about staying warm. I told Austin we could make cookies and brownies when he gets home from school, so he is looking forward to that.

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