
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Update Update UPDATE!!

I am getting really bad about updating my blog........myspace too........LOL Ok well that is the life of a mother.....this mother its been hectic around here lately.....but I will update with Christmas............we had a great Christmas, Aiden and I above that was taken Christmas day.........he along with Austin were very happy that morning.......Christmas Eve we baked cookies and hung around, watched the Polar Express........The boys tried to get around the fact that they had to go to bed..........once they actually got into bed, they were fast asleep.........I made sure too. LOL So my mom and I got the gifts out and under the tree, and ended up having to use two of their stockings..........Anyway we got pictures of the tree before everything was destroyed by the kids.
Austin and Aiden both really loved everything they got......and I had fun watching them tear through everything........
Here the two of them are opening presents.............Aiden was like a little mad man......tearing them open like crazy........Austin had quite a few that we taped up in he had "fun" opening them!!!
Getting ready to open!!

I did this bookmark for a bookmark swap, and Sandy, my partner, received it so I am posting the picture now.......this fan bookmark is very easy to make.

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