
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crochet Update

I can't believe the time is already 6:30 here....time sure flies with time this stupid time change! I still don't like it and still can't get use to it. LOL, funny how one hour can screw me up..or should I say how Pathetic! All in all a good day, much better than last night.
I have been doing laundry today and was outside with Aiden for awhile, and then started some squares for a wish I am doing. I also uploaded new pictures of my revised square....I redid the dragonfly square, and am already trying to think of another way to do it!! LOL I think its fine the day it is...will get the pattern put in word sometime today or tonight. But you can see the updated version above. I really really love this square, and it's one that I am very proud of, one, because I designed it. LOL Silly I know. But I don't consider myself a very creative person as far as coming up with stuff on my own. Two: because I wanted something I could call my own and that represented my boys....I love dragonflies, and they (my boys) remind me of dragonflies....I know when they are older they might not like that, I know Austin is already rolling his eyes at me. Anyway, I plan on using these squares to make two matching afghans for our living room, one for the couch, and one for the love seat. Need to pick some shades of green, and design the layout.
Other than that a slow day and I hope that the boys are good tonight and quiet, and we don't have another repeat of last night.
This is one of the kitchen boxes that I did for Julie my SS and mailed out, she probably won't get it for awhile as she is on vacation.
This was my second kitchen box, a smaller one, this went to Mindy and she has already received it.
I received this from Miss Margaret, and she did an excellent job on it and of course she knew I would love it and the dragonflies.
I did this angel bag holder for our kitchen, and I will not be making another one anytime soon. This was all done in single crochet except for her dress, and I don't like single crochet much. LOL This came out pretty and I should have used a bigger hair band at the bottom, this bottom is so small, you can only fit one bag in there at a time. Its pretty snug. LOL

I need to get dinner started.

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