
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Crochet in the News (Newsletter)

I am going to be doing this in a group that I have once a month as well as a monthly newsletter, and will post these on my blog as well......hopefully these will take off and get better in time. If you would like to check out this group, please click the groups name in the Newsletter. Don't let the name fool you, we will have more than just amigurumi in there, and a great bunch of ladies.

Amigurumi Swaps & More Wednesday May 13, 2009
"Crochet in the News"
Welcome to an addition of crochet in the news......this will happen once a month, and will be in a newsletter type of you will find stuff all about any blog you like online and would like everyone to know, just let me know and I will add it here. If you see any news in your local area, or on the news in general, just send it my way, including news online. I will add it to our monthly "Crochet in the News" newsletter and make sure to give you the credit for it.
So now onto the "news"
There is a website called, ""
Click the link to see some really awesome and unique crochet hooks....if you have seen any unique hooks please share with us.

Click the link above for more on men who crochet.
Do you know of any men who crochet, have you been asked by a guy to crochet? Then share that with us........My son who is 11 will ask every so often, but I will ask him why he wants to learn......(I would like to know) and he tells me so he can crochet his pokemon characters faster than me, and design more patterns that I have not yet!! Can you believe my son there? LOL as if I don't have enough to do already! Now he wants me to teach him to crochet so he can spend his time doing it while I am cleaning? I DON'T THINK SO!! I would actually be jealous! LOL Kids nowadays just don't understand what being an adult is........anyway I am getting off subject here.
I have seen some blogs about men who crochet, and also came across this site about "Krochet kids" If you would like more info or just to read more about the guys who are doing this, click the name and enter their site. They even have a newsletter you can sign up to receive. They have a Myspace page too, so click the link to be taken to that page.

Well that is the first issue of our "crochet in the News" newsletter, bear with me while I am getting this done..........I will also be working on our Newsletter that will run monthly as well............our first issue of that will more-in-likely be out in June.
If you have any questions or would like to see anything here, please email or let me know in a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Your newsletter looks great! Do I just keep reading your blog to join? Or do I need to sign up with Yahoo?
