
Monday, July 06, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I wanted to relax most of today, but that didn't last...I had just come from outside with Aiden, and started making lunch, I didn't know what to make, so I took the leftover steak we had from Saturday cut them in thin strips, and cut up an onion, cooked the onion and added the steak, and cooked that then took the leftover hot dog buns we had, buttered them and put them under the broiler and then added cheese to the onion and steak and made my own version of Philly cheesesteak sandwhiches....both boys ate them up and loved them. We ended up having Long Johns for dinner....I was sitting in the living room crocheting, when I thought of some things I needed to do in the dining room, we have two filing cabinets in here by the computer, but they were basically a catch all for unwanted I went through one and threw out most of the stuff i there, took the papers and put the in the other filing cabinet, and cleaned out the bottom drawer of that one, and got rid of the now only one is in here.....I had a lot of odds and ends to get rid of, but then also decided to get rid of the "second" fridge we had, I know sounds stupid to have one...but we were using it for water and pop....but it was just too much to have it around, so I took everyone out and put it in the kitchen fridge and got rid of the old one.....woohoo.....but I didn't get done with everything until after that was not a good thing.....I got my shower and plan on crocheting the rest of the night before heading to bed.


  1. I love cleaning when it involves throwing away stuff! It makes me feel so accomplished!

  2. I like getting rid of stuff too. It makes me feel lighter. I do wish I had another fridge. Mine is so super small!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my afghan, its been a labor of loe. I'm using a "K" hook and two strands of the new yarn from Michael's called, Loops and Threads: Impeccable

  4. I have been in an organizing/cleaning mode lately, too. Your posts about food are making me hungry! :P The philly cheese steak sounds yummy. Our 17 yr old loves those.
