
Monday, August 10, 2009

Painful Day

Today was so incredibly painful...........My mom is getting worse, and sometimes it feels like she is slipping away.........I feel so drained today, I want the tears to stop!! I want my mom back.........the one who was always there for me, the one who talks to me, the one who doesn't forget where I am.............I never never in a million years saw this happening.........I feel so bad, and I feel guilty for feeling bad.........Aiden keeps wiping away my tears, and wanting to "kiss" away what is hurting incredibly sweet is that huh?


  1. Just wanted to let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers... I sure hope things start looking up for you - is there any medication that might help your mom? I see commercials for medicines all the time...

    Wish I could deliver this in person, (((((((Aurora)))))))
    but there's a hug for you!! Keep your chin up kiddo - it ain't easy, but it's supposed to be worth it in the end...

    Take care -


  2. Big hugs! Sorry that things are so rough right now. You've got a sweetie pie of a baby there.

  3. Thank you so much!! I do appreciate it a lot.
