
Sunday, August 02, 2009


Not a very good picture, but this was the thread bear I was doing for Debbie, this was a wish, actually just a thread animal, and I did this, but was not at all happy with how it was turning leg is bigger than the other, but I was also very busy and stressed during the time I was making it, had a lot on my mind and was doing a lot of "soul searching" and that could be why I just didn't like it....I did give it to Aiden, he wanted it so bad. Anyway I started on another thread animal the other day and finished it tonight, I got busy again, but worked on it tonight and he is soooo cute....I will post him soon. Debbie is moving, so I will mail to her when she sends me her new addy...I am pretty sure she will like it....I know I do, it came out cute, and will be hard to part with. LOL

Today was a really good day for me, no stress, not too busy, a friend came by for a short visit, and then I took AJ and went to Wal-mart to get some school uniform shorts....I got 6 pairs today and about 9 t-shirts for him that were on can't complain about buying that many when they are only 3 dollars!! We got home and I finished up a bit of laundry, got dinner ready, which was Turkey roast, new potatoes and corn......I had everyone sit at the table for dinner, My mom stays in her room, but I wanted the boys to be at the table....Aiden ate 3 pieces of turkey, they were cut small, so I didn't have a problem with it, I did make him eat all his corn, which he did. He also fell asleep early tonight, woooohooo....I am getting the boys back on a schedule.....we all need to be.

So now I am just enjoying some quiet time, and will work on a crochet angel for someone and drink some coffee while watching Stargate Atlantis!

Hope you all who read this had a great Sunday


  1. I LOVE CLEARANCE!!! You'd fit right in here - Stargate Atlantis, Enterprise, SG1, all of them are favorites at our house!!

  2. You like the same shows our 17 year old son likes, I can tell: Stargate; you must be a trekkie, too (your playlist) :P

  3. Forgot to say the bear is cute! And way to go on the clearance items. That's the first rack I look at.

  4. Thanks, and yes I am a trekkie....I love all the Star Trek and science fiction shows...
