
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well it's storming out tonight, at first it sounded like someone hitting the house, and when I went to look outside, it was lightening and thundering. I hope the storm cools our weather down.

I didn't get much crochet done.......a friend of mine who has been staying in a shelter has been here for two days in a row, and she was really upset today, they were trying for an apartment and didn't get it.........and the shelter wants them out tomorrow, she is going to see if they will give her more time while she waits for a motel/studio room on Monday.

I did work a bit on a birthday gift for April, who is in a group with me...........but didn't get much done......too many kids at the house. I am going to tell them tomorrow that I want some quiet time, and they can hang out at their own house.......Sandra their mom keeps telling me that we will just send the kids to one house and us adults to the other house, and have some peace and quiet!! Man that will be nice. LOL

I need to get to bed..........storm is getting bad.


1 comment:

  1. Storms make me so nervous! Hope you slept soundly!
