
Monday, September 14, 2009

Contest is Over

Ok I know I said I would draw out a name on the 10th, but things here got a bit hectic, my mom fell again, and I was stressed out about that, and have been helping my neighbors with watching their kids, but.............I did have some entries, I did take the names, written on paper, folded the same and tossed them in a hat, and had my 3 year old pick one..........after a few times..........he kept grabbing more than one paper.........he finally just drew out one paper.........and the winner is.............Debi............I will be emailing you for your address to send out your Miss Lavender...........Congratulations!!! I will be holding more contests.......and will be on time with those. Thanks for playing ladies.

Sorry I forgot to give the was
"Crochet abbreviations and terms"


  1. So what were the right words? LOL Oh, and way to go, Debi! Did the tests that were run on your mom a couple weeks ago return any results that were useful? Any idea why she keeps falling? I hope things start getting better soon - Here's a hug!


    Take care...

  2. I will get the hospital records out tomorrow and see again what they father is the one who picked her up from the hospital...I am really needing her to be tested for some things though. Sadly she has taken to Peeing on the bathroom floor, and I am not sure why, but I cried so hard yesterday, because I miss my mom....she is here with me, but I miss her, and I know this is not how she wanted her life to be....
    Thank you so much, Mel, you always make me feel better.
