
Sunday, October 11, 2009


I took the boys to Cow Town when Aiden's father was in town a couple of weeks ago.....and we took our neighbor, Kori along too.........this is them in the "Out house" none of them were very impressed........they could not imagine using this in the middle of the night or anytime they said. LOL Well I am certainly glad I didn't either.

My two favorite boys in the whole wide world!!!

in the old fashioned church.........these buildings were original...........and I am still always fascinated when I go there.

This is an ornament made by me, I in a crochet a long group, and I liked this one, I have not stiffened it yet.

This heart pattern gave me fits, I did not like it one bit..........but I managed to wing my way through the pattern.

I had 4 loads of laundry that I did today, and actually got it done considering I had company.......the boys and I went to a parade honoring Fireman, and I will post pictures tomorrow of was cold today, but we had a blasts with some friends, and then they came over to visit for awhile............


  1. The boys look like they had a great time! We're freezing up here too! Dosen't look like any relief for a few days. The ornaments are so cute. Good job working with thread~

  2. Looks like the kiddos had a great time. I love old buildings and churches too. It's such an amazing reminder of how things were before we became too modern.

    The ornaments are adorable. The heart one may have given you trouble, but it was worth it...its very pretty.
