
Monday, November 16, 2009

It Snowed!

Well I am looking forward to more snow..........we actually had snow falling today........I woke up this morning not feeling well, just felt really tired.............I laid on the couch for about an hour, and decided nothing was getting done............and we had only rain outside.........and very cold temps. So I cleaned up the house a bit, worked on some crochet while waiting for AJ to come home, he had an appt for his flu off we went and it was raining when we left, but half way to the dr it was snowing hard.........of course it was too wet to show up on the ground, but it sure looked pretty falling........we then went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things and the wind picked up and at times it looked like a blizzard. I just wish it would snow more and actually show up on the ground.........oh more rain after tonight and the sun will show itself sometime tomorrow. I will survive without my snow. I have to. :(

I had two gingerbread crochet patterns, I want to do two for the boys..........So I let AJ pick from the two patterns I had, and got started on that, but laid down earlier tonight to watch tv and let the pain pills kick in.........shortly after taking off for the drs, my knees started to ache, then burn, then hurt something awful, by the time we got home, I was ready to cry, and then my back decided to join the "pain club" I tried the heating pad on my back while laying down and that and the pills worked!! So I am off the computer now to work more on the gingerbread boy.

1 comment:

  1. You like snow? Really? I don't because I hate to shovel!
