
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Keeping Warm

Well I am designing again, this is just one of the scarves I did, this is not the first one I designed, this was the second..I actually did this one Sunday, started it anyway.........I finished it tonight, the pattern wrote up very quickly as most is just a repeat.......anyway this one is about 51/2" wide by about 50" long.......long enough for me.........I was running out of yarn, and this was Mainstay yarn which has been discontinued for some time now. Anyway I absolutely LOVE is gorgeous! Now for a name, I have come up with, "My Dragonflies" "The Center of a Dragonfly"........."Dragonfly Row" LOL the list goes on from there, but those three are the ones I am leaning towards.........the first one I started is called, "The Warmth of a Dragonfly" Or "Warmth of Dragonflies" haven't decided. LOL anyway that one needs some tweaking, it is too wide.......anyway, this will be for sale on my Etsy shop soon. Need to get it tested.
This is the starting of can see the dragonflies a bit better in this picture.

Wow has it been cold!! it we got some snow, but only a few spits, and that was it, more freezing rain than anything else, and that was just depressing, the weather changes I know!! but everytime the weather guy came on tv, it had changed!! how can weather change that fast that much? Are they even reading it right the first time? LOL I know I am just bummed, but still??!!


  1. Beautiful! I love it. :)

  2. I absolutely adore your patterns!! I'm addicted to them! I especially love the dragonflies! Thank you for sharing them!!
