
Friday, February 19, 2010

End of Week already?

Here is more of the Zen jacket I am working on.......I kept thinking it was a shawl, but its a jacket here is the LINK
The yarn I am using kept tangling and knotting up really bad last night.........I tried my darn hardest to untangle it finally got he scissors and cut cut cut, and man got so darn pissed in the process, I mean I was actually yelling at the yarn.........LOL pathetic I know. I even had to frog the jacket twice, and finally after having to frog a third time, threw it in the trash..........pulled out a bunch of rows and chucked it in the trash, luckily I had already taken out trash and nothing was in I calmed down, read an email about the pattern, and realized I kept messing up because I was not paying attention to the pattern!! reading the wrong instructions. got it corrected and now its smooth sailing, but I think from now on I am going to roll the yarn in a ball before using doesn't knot or tangle on me. at least not yet anyway. LOL When I worked on it some more earlier today, that ball of yarn did not tangle at all. Woohoo, I put it aside to finish a pattern I was testing for Allisha

Amigurumi Troll and Mushrooms, cute huh? I have a friend who wants this, as she loves the trolls and the mushrooms.


  1. Loving the shawl. I've thrown out yarn too that has had me perplexed...shhhh!

  2. The shawl looks so great so far! The troll and mushrooms are absolutely adorable!

  3. You have received the Sunshine Award. Come by my blog and get it :)
