
Monday, May 24, 2010

My Aiden is Sick

Aiden got really sick Thursday night, that afternoon he came home with a rash all over, like a huge we took him in and they said viral rash, even though he did not have any symptons as of yet..but that night he did, 104. temp.....vomiting, frequent bathroom visits.......Friday he was sleeping or just laying around all day, I mean ALL day.....high fever as well...........Saturday he seemed a bit better, but kept running a high temp and feeling and looking like a zombie..........Sunday the same, but now he is complaining about his tummy hurting........his fevers are getting so high that his skin is he has a sunburn.......the corners of his lips are raw, the corners of his eyes are raw........took him in today.........Dr did a strep test, and told me to wait, but then the office "calls" me saying it was negative, and I can leave, i said didn't the dr want to talk to me again......she was like, no, Aiden probably has a viral infection and you can go home now.........against my better judgement I did, but all the way home I was steaming mad.......this was not like their dr, so I got home, and Aiden fell asleep again........and his dr called very upset with his nurse for sending us home...........he is worried too, he didn't like the color of Aiden's tongue, or his tomorrow morning blood and urine work......then back to his office......just took Aiden's temp and it is 103.7.........gave him some motrin, and fluids.........which is hard to force a child to drink when they don't feel like it...........I am really worried, I hope this is just a virus.....but he has NEVER been this bad this long....I mean I know its been 4 days. but still.......high fever everyday, several times a day. I am mad at myself for not wanting to jump the gun and overreact, but with my kids I should not worry about that.

AJ is getting out of school Wednesday, he is happy to have the summer off.

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