
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Hottest Day so far

Today was our hottest day so far.......and this is not even our hottest month, end of July, into August is our hottest months...maybe we will get lucky and have cooler temps!! I can wish can't I? Anyway, things have been going ok around here I suppose........AJ is super happy to be out of school.......although he is driving me crazy with this attitude that he has to have someone over every single waking minute of the day. UGH!!! Aiden is happy to have him home for the summer too. I need to get busy on "studying" with Aiden this summer, as I am going to put him into pre-kindegarten this year. :( Baby is growing up on me.

Aiden had a check up earlier last week, and his blood levels are normal, one was on the high end of "normal" but still much better than before. His hands are peeling, which is the second stage of Kawasaki........he is miserable with his hands, the skin is just peeling away.........I mean from his fingertips into the palms of his hands, his toes are starting to, but luckily not very much at all, not as bad as his hands. Anyway he will go for his second Echo cardiogram on the 14th.

Thursday we all went to the circus and had a lot of fun there, I will try to get the pictures off my phone tomorrow.

This is AJs Pokemon Cyndaquil, you can find the pattern HERE. He wanted a shiny one and also wanted me to do it in thread.........we looked for the colors for shiny, and this was as close as we could get........the body is actually in size 5 thread, the rest in size 10. He loves it.
Here is AJ holding his Cyndaquil
Aiden sitting on a go kart.........he wanted to ride this sooo bad. It doesn't work, my father is fixing it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your little guy is doing better.

    Yeah, I know what you mean about the heat. We're having some nasty hot weather here and it hasn't broken in over a week. I feel like I'm melting!

    Your kiddos are lucky they're out of school already. We go until the 23rd. Have a great Sunday!
