
Friday, August 20, 2010

1st Day Jitters for Mommy!! Crochet update too

Well my little guy went to school yesterday, which was only his "practice" day! We had to walk since my van is still broke down, it took about 15 minutes to walk in the hot when we got to the school, it was as if someone turned on a water faucet above my head.....I was sweaty!!! Anyway we sat on the stairs waiting for his teacher to open the door, and once she did, Aiden took off like a bullet!!! Bummed me out.......anyway he gets in, hangs up his backpack, get a book, a name tag and sits down.......wasn't even going to hug me, just "leans" into me and I said no mommy needs a hug!! So I finally leave and cry all the way home! LOL My father picked him up with AJ and Aiden had a super fun time, he liked it, and his teacher said he did really well. I asked him if he had anything in his backpack, and he excitedly said yes mommy, a paper!!! It was a school calendar, but it was HIS first paper from school!! How cute! He starts his "official" first day Tuesday.
This was Mr Aiden pointing to his name when we went to conferences.
This is a tree limb that fell from our tree into our can't really tell in this picture, but it was one very huge limb that fell, luckily no one was out back, and only our fence took damage. Insurance adjuster is coming out Monday.

I have not been very good about posting my crochet work!! LOL....I was lucky enough to test these adorable Ice Scream cones for Halloween. ANGIE designed them, and you can click her name to be taken to her blog with her patterns.

Angie also sent me the above swap stuff.......i love it!!!
I made this bell doily which was pattern of the month in my group....I did it in silver metallic thread and sent it off in a Christmas swap box.
Lady bug I did for my mom, she loved it.
How cute is this?? Milk and toast amigurumi patterns........I loved how they came out.

I have not sent these off, but they are for an ornament swap, those mittens are tiny !!! about the size of my fingernail.

Be on the lookout for more patterns, I just designed three more that are being tested and have 4 patterns that need to be posted.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little guy.. and he loves school, that is a bonus...
    The last is always the hardest.. But you did well :))
    Your doily is lovely, and beautifully crocheted..
    have a great day :))
