
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weighty Issues

Ok well it is not Wednesday, but close enough.  I don't count the next day until I wake up.  LOL.  I did good today......if you compare today to yesterday and the day before that, and so on. 

I did really good today with my calories...........I think I got 1400 something, and burned about 300 something, which doesn't sound like a lot, but it is better than usual for me.  I used the stationary bike for 15 minutes, and that was enough, I am going to try to do that twice a day.  My knees are burning and my back is hurting, but I know I need to keep up with this. I will also try to use my exercise bands as well.  With my van still out of commission, It is hard to get to they gym, I could take a bus, but I would be on numerous bus trips and take about 2-3 hours to get there........and still have to walk a ways after the bus drops me off.  I am not ready to tackle that!!!  I think our bus system really sucks!!  
Anyway boys are good, Aiden brought home his "name" LOL a paper that had him trace his name 5 times, then write it on his own.......he was so proud of that, and I am too.  He was just so cute talking about his day.  AJ had pictures taken Monday, I hope they come out good, I forgot to take him to get his haircut.  So I made sure it was combed before he left the house.  Aiden has pictures the end of October I think.  The office staff asked me if I would volunteer that day to help with the pre-k class and I said sure, and they then informed me the pictures would be free.  Even better.  Although I would volunteer no matter what.  

I am soo super tired and my hands are cramping up bad, I have "pockets" of fluid sitting on top of them.  I have been crocheting too much.  I have a few new designs to add to my blog, they are being tested right a couple of older designs to tweek and add.  I just finished designing another 12" square tonight.......I started it last night.  I also just designed two more coasters......really simple coasters..........first one didn't come out right, but not bad enough that I can't use it as a pattern.  The second one came out bigger than I wanted, but I have heard that some of us like bigger coasters.  Anyway I hope to have them all posted this week.  


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